Housing and Residence Halls

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The Residential Life & Housing staff fosters a living community aimed at meeting students’ social and academic needs.

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Inviting and Engaging

Admissions tour guides

We support a warm and positive community that celebrates differences and respects individual rights. Through a wide variety of activities and events planned by our housing staff and our Resident Student Association, student residents can have fun and getting to know each other. Participation is a great way to become a part of the residential community and feel comfortable in your new home.

Support from Your Peers

Our Resident Student Association is here to support the needs and concerns of students living on campus. If you need someone, right in your dorm, to speak to at any time our Resident Assistants are here for you.

Apply for On-Campus Housing

Find Your New Home

Browne Hall exterior

Browne Hall

A co-educational upper-class and graduate student residence designed in suite style formation. Each suite offers 12 single rooms (8’x10" or 16’x10") and a large common living room area. Each single room has a desk, chair, bed, dresser, and closet (2 closets for super singles). With 2 suites per floor and 6 floors in total, Browne is a high-rise residence hall with accessible elevator access to all levels.

Penfield Hall exterior

Penfield Hall

A suite and apartment-style unit, housing upper-class students in both single and double occupancy rooms. The building is equipped with a common laundry room and elevator access.

Sweet Hall exterior

Sweet Hall

A co-educational freshmen hall designed in a traditional style. With five floors, mainly double rooms (10’x18’ ) and nine triples (15’x18’ ), each floor has a central lounge. The hall offers a washer and dryer on each floor, vending machines, and a large TV in the first-floor lounge.

Thorpe Hall exterior

Thorp Hall

Thorp hall is a geometric building with a central courtyard. Its lobby faces College Road and its three-story wings surround the courtyard. Single rooms are designed for upperclassmen with a main floor that features a lounge.

Weber Hall exterior

Weber Hall

Weber is a co-educational first-year student residence hall designed in a suite style, offering ten single rooms (7’11”x10’8” ) off of a common living room area and sharing a common bathroom. Rooms are equipped with a desk, chair, bed, small dresser, and wardrobe. A shared laundry room takes up the ground floor and vending machines are in the main lounge with TV.

΢Ȧ entrance

Contact Us

Office of Residential Life & Housing

Our office provides facilities that are designed to be safe, clean, comfortable, and conducive to student learning. We offer a variety of housing options from traditional residence halls to suite style living environments. 

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