ࡱ> >C=_ Jbjbj 1*r=\r=\J ddL,PPPPP+++oqqqqqq$n+++++PP+.PPo+oP Y"[0@{F@L@#8++++++++++@+++++++++d> : Sample Format for a Clinical Process Recording Verbatim TranscriptSkill Used/ Theory UsedYour Feelings/ Counter- transferenceWhat may have been a more useful responseWorker: Hi. How are you? Client: So-So. W: So-so? Silence C: Yeah W: Whats up? C: Ive had it with my son! W: Hmm Skill: Reaching for between session data. Skill: Reflecting Theory: Rogerian, Client-centered (use of active listening) Skill: Use of silence. Theory: Empowerment -Giving the client space to set the pace, to decide where she wants the conversation to go Skill: Probing, open ended questioning Skill: minimal encourager, empathy Theories: Empowerment (following the clients lead), Narrative (inviting the client to tell her story, Rogerian (using active listening)Im nervous. Im not sure I can handle whatever it is the client is going to present. I know I need to follow the clients lead instead of bombarding her with questions. Its hard to hold myself back here, as I feel so earnest and curious. While I might have let her have a few more moments of silence, I think my open ended non-directive question, Whats up was probably an unintrusive way of inviting her to elaborate and showing my interest and concern. Im working hard to hang back, give her space. Its tough for me because I want to start collecting data. But if I do that, I might get in her way.  I might have asked a question here (e.g., Whats so-so?), but I think doing so might have gotten in the way of the client being in charge of what we talk about. I might have let the silence linger a bit longer instead of jumping in with a question. I could have simply reflected, Had it! This sample illustrates what a clinical process recording is. Your actual process recording will be significantly longer than this sample, because it must cover a minimum of ten minutes of dialogue between you and a client (whether the client is an individual, couple, parent/child dyad, or family). You may write your process recording from memory or from an audio or videotape of the clinical interview. Process record an interaction on which youd like your field instructors feedback; this might be an interview in which you felt unsure and uncomfortable, or one that you felt you handled particularly well. Either can be a useful learning experience for you. Mistakes are part of the learning process; what matters is being able to see them and use them for your professional growth. ./0NOPaijk  ! T W Y q v y   ) h c f B #$()*(/hbhb6B*CJOJPJQJ]^Jphh$h$>*_HhPshPs>*_H h$_H hPs_H hU_H hR_HhRhU@/0DP\ktYkd$$Ifl\.& 3  064 la$Ifl D     $Ifl  ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . 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