Dr. Jasmine A. H. Griffith

Dr. Jasmine A. H. Griffith
Department, Office, or School
Department of Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology
  • Assistant Professor


Ph.D., 2024, Old Dominion University, Education - Counseling Concentration

M.A., 2021, Hampton University, Counseling - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Concentration

B.S., 2018, Virginia State University, Psychology

Professional Associations

American Counseling Association 

Association of Counselor Education and Supervision

North Atlantic Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Region

Selected Publications

Doctoral Dissertation 

Griffith, J. A. H. (2024). Climbing the academic ladder while Black: Exploring the experiences of institutional belongingness for Black counselor education and supervision doctoral students at predominantly white institutions [Doctoral Dissertation, Old Dominion University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.  

In Press  

Gantt-Howrey, A., Park, C. J., Griffith, J. A. H., Jones, J. L., Robins, L. B., & Johnson, K. F. (2023). Addressing social determinants of health: Supporting ex-offenders’ employment through use of the systems theory framework. Journal of Employment Counseling.  

Under Review/In Preparation 

Wright, G. G., Griffith, J. A. H., Garrison, J., & Antrobus, I. (2023). Exploring job search and dissertation for diverse doctoral candidates. Journal of Counselor Education and Supervision

Robins, L. B., Rodgers, D. Barburoglu, Y. & Griffith, J. A. H. (2023). Integrating interprofessional collaboration: Tackling social determinants of health among adolescents. Journal of Human Services Scholarship and Interprofessional Collaboration 

Professional Presentations


Augustine, B. R. & Griffith, J. A. (June 2022). ACT as a Social-Justice & Intersectionality-Oriented Treatment Modality for Diverse Clients. Workshop Presentation at the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science World Conference in San Francisco, CA. 


Reese, R., Sturm, D., Griffith, J., Boyle, L., Coleman, M., Peterson, G., & Garrett, M. (October 2023). Climate Change and Environmental Justice Curriculum Competencies for Counselor Educators & Supervisors. Invited presentation for the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference in Denver, Colorado. 

Boyle, L., Coleman, M., Griffith, J., Peterson, G., Garrett, M., Sturm, D., & Reese, R. (October 2023). Environmental Justice, Social Justice, & Vulnerable Populations. Invited presentation for the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference in Denver, Colorado. 

Sturm, D., Peterson, G., Reese, R., Griffith, J., Coleman, M., Boyle, L., & Garrett, M. (October 2023). Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and Counselor Education: An Opening Conversation. Invited presentation for the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference in Denver, Colorado. 

Wright, G. G., Griffith, J. A. H., Garrison, J., & Antrobus, I. (October 2023). Exploring Academic Job Search Experiences for CES Doctoral Candidates of Color. Poster Presentation at the Association for Counselor Education & Supervision Conference in Denver, Colorado. 

Griffith, J. A. & Augustine, B. R. (April 2022). Putting decolonization into ACTion:   Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a social-justice and intersectionality-oriented treatment modality. Virtual Roundtable Presentation at the Online Social Justice Symposium, Antioch University Seattle's Chi Sigma Iota - Omega Mu Gamma chapter. 

Griffith, J. A., Washington, C., Lawrence, K., Perkins, P., Carson, B., Boyd, K., & Denslinger, C. (April 2018). The Relationship Connection: The Role Between Happiness, Well-Being, Self-Esteem, and Depression. Poster Presentation at the International Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research in New Orleans, Louisana.


CEP 532 Theories and Methods of Counseling

CEP 537 Introduction to Group Counseling

CEP 538 Practicum I: Introduction to Counseling Skills

Additional Information

Clinical Interests

Underserved & Immigrant Populations 
Historically Oppressed/Marginalized Populations 
Behavioral-Informed Integrated Care 
Cultural and Social Determinants of Health 

Research Interests

Academic Belongingness 
Higher Education Activism & Advocacy  
Cultural and Social Determinants of Health 
Intersectionality and Historically Oppressed/Marginalized Identities