Remember that you are responsible for meeting the course expectations, requirements, and for following the course syllabus. This information will be given to you by the instructor at the beginning of each course. The syllabus will tell you what you can expect to learn and what is expected from you such as:
- an overview of course content and learning objectives for the course
- reading assignments with due dates
- papers, tests, oral reports, or projects required
- an explanation of how you will be graded (grading policies)
- class policies on attendance, lateness, retaking tests, late assignments, plagiarism, classroom behavior
Course Deadlines
It is your responsibility to keep up with the course deadlines. It is vital that you pay attention to withdrawal and add/drop deadlines. Your grade will appear on an official college transcript. If you drop the course after the deadlines or receive a failing grade, this may impact your financial aid and/or GPA during college in the future. Failing a course could also impact admission to college. The academic calendar lists important dates like last date to add or drop a class.
Effects of Dropping a Course
If you are thinking of dropping a course for any reason, talk with your school counselor as soon as possible. The course you've chosen counts toward your high school requirements and dropping or failing the class may impact the credit you need for high school graduation.
Please Note: Upon completion of any course(s), students should (official transcript) be sent to their high school. A grade will be recorded on the student’s high school transcript and official ΞΆΓάΘ¦ transcript.