Liberal Studies BA

A major tailored for you.

Liberal Studies students at fair

With a liberal studies degree, you choose the destination and you chart the course you want to take to get there.

Our Bachelor of Arts in liberal studies is a multidisciplinary degree that empowers students to develop a plan of study around a topic or theme of their choice. Along the way, they develop analytical and critical reasoning skills, effective oral and written communication and, in most cases, quantitative skills prized by employers in all areas of business, nonprofits and public service.

Career Opportunities

  • Researcher/Archivist
  • Policy Analyst
  • Nonprofit Administrator
  • Human Resources Specialist
  • Technical Writer
  • Editorial Assistant

Why Liberal Studies? | Why Our Program?

  • The potential topics our students can focus on are unlimited. Our dedicated faculty will help them build a rigorous, engaging course load.
  • Their program culminates in a senior seminar in which they produce a paper or project that ties their coursework together.
  • Topics covered in the include: art, humanities, mathematics, natural and physical sciences, social sciences and communications.

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An Outside-the-Box Program

Thomas Schmeling

Thomas Schmeling

“The liberal studies major allows students whose interests do not fit neatly within a traditional major to pursue an individualized plan of study that is tailored to their unique academic and professional goals.”

4 Companies and More Big Plans

Gregory Kittleson

Go Where the Opportunities Are

With Rhode Island as his launch pad, Gregory Kittelson ’97 has built an international life of business and entrepreneurship.

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Take the Next Step!

Arts and Sciences

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences is a community of scholars that pride themselves on academic excellence, diversity and service.