Office Schedule

The ESL Intensive Program office is open:

  • Days: Monday–Friday: 9 am–4 pm
  • Nights: Monday–Thursday: 6–8 pm


The ESL Intensive Program office is located on the main campus of ΢ÃÜȦ: 
600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence, RI 02908

Exterior of Roberts Hall

The ESL Intensive Program office is located inside Roberts Hall. 

Inside Roberts Hall

Enter through the main entrance. 
Turn right and go down the stairs. 
The ESL office is on the left side: Roberts 303, Professional Studies and Continuing Education.

ESL Staff

΢ÃÜȦ entrance

Contact Us

English as a Second Language

Our ESL classes are designed to improve students’ English grammar, speaking, listening, writing and reading abilities for academic and professional purposes.