Every three years, in April, the faculty shall elect or nominate for appointment by the department chair a Departmental Honors Committee of three persons. Each person shall serve for three years. Duties shall begin at the opening of the college year and continue for the academic year.
The department chair will be an ex-officio non-voting member of the Departmental Honors Committee.
Other individuals, including the student's advisor and individuals from other programs in or outside ΞΆΓάΘ¦, may be invited to serve on the Departmental Honors Committee for the duration of an honors project as voting members.
Administration of the Departmental Honors Committee
The Departmental Honors Committee shall respond favorably or unfavorably to each proposal which is appropriately submitted.
The Departmental Honors Committee is charged with accepting only those proposals that demonstrate:
- Depth of analysis.
- Capability of excellence of execution.
- High standards in the written presentation.
- Compliance with requirements set forth in section III, above, regarding specific project components.
- Conformity to deadlines as established in sections II and III above.
The Departmental Honors Committee has the responsibility to require any improvements necessary for the student to have a reasonable expectation of achieving honors if the final project plan is approved by the Departmental Honors Committee.
A majority vote of the Departmental Honors Committee is required to approve the final project plan.
The Departmental Honors Committee chair shall be responsible for maintaining a record of proposals and required revisions. Five copies of this record and the final decision regarding the proposal shall be made: one each for the committee, the student, the advisor, the department chair, and the Honors Program.
The completed project will be evaluated as follows: the project advisor will attach a note of transmittal and a review of the written project report will be prepared by the Departmental Honors Committee. A majority vote of the committee is necessary to approve the final project.
The Departmental Honors Committee will communicate to the student its decision regarding the final written report in writing and signed by all three members, by April 8 or November 8. This notification will be sent to the chair and to the Honors Program.
Upon approval of the completed project the student will make an oral presentation in a departmental colloquium convened for that purpose or in an equivalent public forum. This presentation will normally be given after submission and acceptance of the honors project.
One copy of the final report will remain in the department files, one copy will be returned to the student with official approval noted and two copies (following an opportunity for necessary or desired grammatical or spelling – but not substantive – revision by the student) will be submitted to Adams Library for the College Archives.
If the Departmental Honors Committee reaches a negative decision, their communication of that decision to the student by April 8 or November 8 will be accompanied by explicit and specific requirements concerning required revisions. The student may then resubmit the report for reconsideration by the Departmental Honors Committee by April 15 or November 15 or follow the regular college appeal process. The Departmental Honors Committee will reach its final decision and communicate that decision to the student by April 22 or November 22.
The Departmental Honors Committee will advise the department at the first regularly scheduled department meeting each semester and may report occasionally to the department concerning the status of honors projects.