Shoreline Magazine
Shoreline is a magazine of literature and the arts; we publish short fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, visual arts and photography that represent the artistic energies unique to the students of ΞΆΓάΘ¦. We accept submissions for the annual issue at the beginning of the Spring Semester.
Understand Our Guidelines
General Guidelines
- You must be a currently enrolled ΞΆΓάΘ¦ student, undergraduate or graduate.
- Your submission(s) must be your own original work (non-published) and finished/revised.
- Your submission(s), regardless of genre, must be titled.
- Submission to Shoreline does not guarantee that your piece will be published.
- Submit your work to (stating your name and the genre of your piece in the subject line).
Fiction Submissions
- We have a 7,000 word limit for fiction.
- Submissions must be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font.
- You may submit no more than one full-length story or three flash pieces at one time.
- You can combine all submissions into the same document.
Creative Nonfiction Submissions
- We have a 7,000 word limit for nonfiction.
- Submissions must be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font.
- Submit no more than one work of creative nonfiction at a time.
Poetry Submissions
- A maximum of three poems can be submitted at a time.
- Combine all poems into the same document (making sure to title each poem individually).
- Submissions must be single-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font.
- Poems will be published in the same format in which they were submitted.
Art/Photography Submissions
- A maximum of five photos may be submitted, each as separate submissions.
- Visual art pieces must be scanned (please do not photograph your art).
- All art must be sent in a .jpg, CMYK format, with a title.
Looking for a Printed Copy?
Copies of Shoreline are available for $3 from Professor Shipers (Craig-Lee 172) or from the English Department office (Craig-Lee 143).