What is MyΞΆΓάΘ¦Β ID?
Your MyΞΆΓάΘ¦ ID consists of two parts, a MyΞΆΓάΘ¦ ID username and password.
Your username is constructed by taking your first ​initial followed by your last name, followed by an underscore "_" and the last four digits of your student ID. For example, if your name is Joe E. Doe and your student ID is 1234567, your username will be jdoe_4567. In the unlikely event that your username is not unique, your username will include an alphabetic character, e.g. jdoe_4567​a.
To begin using your ΞΆΓάΘ¦ account (or to regain access to ΞΆΓάΘ¦ email, Blackboard, and MyΞΆΓάΘ¦), you will need to set an initial password. Set a new password by visiting .
NOTE: To further enhance security for students, the system will require strong passwords (i.e., passwords containing 10-14 characters, no names or repeating characters and at least one of each of the following: upper case, lower case, number, and a special character).
If you require assistance, please contact the ITS Help Center (401-456-8803 or helpdesk@ric.edu) or visit the walk-in lab at Whipple Hall Room 102.
To begin using your ΞΆΓάΘ¦ account (or to regain access to ΞΆΓάΘ¦ email, Blackboard, and MyΞΆΓάΘ¦), you will need to set an initial password. Set a new password by visiting .
NOTE: To further enhance security for students, the system will require strong passwords (i.e., passwords containing 10-14 characters, no names or repeating characters and at least one of each of the following: upper case, lower case, number, and a special character).
If you require assistance, please contact the ITS Help Center (401-456-8803 or helpdesk@ric.edu) or visit the walk-in lab at Whipple Hall Room 102.
Your student email account consists of your first initial, last name, an underscore (_), the last four digits of your MyΞΆΓάΘ¦ ID and @email.ric.edu. For example, if your name is John E. Doe and your student ID is 1234567, your email account information will be jdoe_4567@email.ric.edu.
Click here to access student e-mail account information
If you require assistance, please see additional instructions available on MyΞΆΓάΘ¦ or contact the ​ITS Help Center (401-456-8803 or helpdesk@ric.edu) or visit the walk-in lab (Whipple 102).