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The Q&A: Is Group Conformity Dividing Us? Prof. of Psych Gives His Opinion

΢Ȧ Impact

΢Ȧ Professor of Psychology David Sugarman is known for challenging the thinking of his students. When asked about the political and social divide in our country, he explained the social psychology behind it.

$300K Biology Fellowship Established by Prof. Emeritus Lloyd & Terri Matsumoto

΢Ȧ Impact

This fellowship is designed to strengthen the Department of Biology and attract more students.

Members of ΢Ȧ School of Social Work Gain National Recognition

΢Ȧ’S own awarded by R.I. Chapter of NASW

΢Ȧ Prof. is Editor of New York Times Bestseller on Abolition Politics

“Abolition politics is about finding solutions to social problems other than carceral or criminal punishment,” explains Associate Professor Tamara Nopper.

Keeping an Ion Physics

"There are few things more beautiful than the core of a nuclear reactor," says ΢Ȧ Associate Professor of Physical Sciences Benjamin Young.

AI and VR are Transforming Social Work Education at ΢Ȧ

Grant-funded research allows future social workers to assess clients using artificial intelligence and virtual reality environments.

Bringing Math to Underrepresented Groups

Three math faculty design an afterschool math program for urban middle schoolers.