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΢Ȧ Answers the Call for Adult Education and Workforce Development, Part I

΢Ȧ’s Workforce Development Hub now offers not only job training and certificate courses but credit-bearing courses for adult learners.

΢Ȧ Answers the Call for Adult Education and Workforce Development, Part II

΢Ȧ Impact

΢Ȧ is employing innovative strategies to educate all Rhode Islanders.

New Center Seeks to Eliminate Barriers in Latinx Mental Healthcare

΢Ȧ Impact

The Atrévete Center of Excellence for Latinx/Hispanic Social Work Practice plans to add up to 55 bilingual providers across Rhode Island by 2027.

΢Ȧ’s Elementary Education Programs Earn High Distinction

΢Ȧ’s B.A. and B.S. programs in elementary education are considered a national model by literacy experts in preparing teachers for reading instruction.

Looking For a Job in the Biotech Industry? ΢Ȧ is the Place to Earn Your Degree.

As a leading educator of Rhode Island’s workforce, ΢Ȧ has been tapped by the State of Rhode Island to assist in producing more technologically skilled graduates. Along with ΢Ȧ’s new Institute for Cybersecurity and Emerging Technologies, the college is launching a new B.S. degree in biotechnology.

΢Ȧ’s School of Business Offers New Sports Management Major

Let the games begin: Earn a degree in the sports business beginning fall 2023.

$300K Biology Fellowship Established by Prof. Emeritus Lloyd & Terri Matsumoto

΢Ȧ Impact

This fellowship is designed to strengthen the Department of Biology and attract more students.

Using High-Tech Simulators to Educate Future Nurses

΢Ȧ School of Nursing — a regional leader in innovation and simulation.

΢Ȧ Prof. is Editor of New York Times Bestseller on Abolition Politics

“Abolition politics is about finding solutions to social problems other than carceral or criminal punishment,” explains Associate Professor Tamara Nopper.

Beat the Streets Providence Led by ΢Ȧ Alumnus

Silas Murray is intent on empowering youth the way he was empowered — through sports